So You Want To Be A DJ? Home | Buy Paperback | Virtual DJ Studio
So You Want To Be A DJ.
your first job your friends will help make you look
good to the bar owner or host.
First-Gig Jitters
It is perfectly normal to be nervous the first time you
have to get on the microphone in front of a crowd of
people. The easiest way to get over that is to, first of
all, have any announcements prepared. As mentioned
in an earlier chapter, having notes written down can
help. It's very easy to forget simple details when you
are on the spot. Written or typed notes will serve as a
reminder of the event name, the name of the guest of
honor, and any other details.
Before doing your first paying gig, you may wish to
have your own party. Invite your friends and family,
and set up as if you were at a paying gig. You'll get
practice dealing with people you know, in your own
house or back yard, and it will ease the transition to
working for complete strangers.
Become Your Persona
When you are DJing, you become another person all
together. In “DJ Mode", I am no longer
; I am
The J-Man
. This little psychological trick helps you to
be more comfortable in front of people. Even if you
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So You Want To Be A DJ? Home | Buy Paperback | Virtual DJ Studio

Copyright © 2011-2019 Justin Nelson, All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-1-257-98700-9

